The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (NCCUMC) kindly invited me in 2017 to join their Creation Care team. At a meeting that year, Bishop Hope Morgan Ward suggested that during the Lenten season we produce some teachings that clarify how creation care/climate change is a biblical issue, as well as an environmental one; that is, that the teachings reveal the theological underpinnings of climate change as a religious issue.
In response, I wrote three brief articles that are being posted to a website of the NCCUMC:
The three teachings are also posted to the website of under the Events tab: see Lent 2018. I hope you will read them over and send any comments using the Contact form on the site.
Stephen A. Jurovics holds BS and MS degrees from Columbia University and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Southern California. He has had about 20 technical papers published over the years and given numerous presentations at professional conferences. Aspects of climate change mitigation have been the focus of his engineering work for more than two decades.
The increasing severity of environmental problems led him, out of spiritual curiosity, to research the environmental teachings in Genesis-Deuteronomy, what Jesus called “the law” in English translations, particularly exploring whether they contained instructions relevant to contemporary issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, preserving biological diversity, treatment of the land, and sustainability. The abundance of applicable teachings, and a desire to discuss ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions motivated him to write this book.