Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change.
Stephen Jurovics, Ph.D.
Climate Change and the Midterms
The vast majority of Americans who want to mitigate the effects of climate change can make that happen: they just need to vote in accord with that desire.
Stephen Jurovics speaking at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Raleigh, NC.
Video clip filmed at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Raleigh, NC. Video is opening of talk about book, Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change. Find out more at
Lent 2018
The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (NCCUMC) kindly invited me in 2017 to join their Creation Care team.
Hospitable Planet Featured by United Methodist News Service
The United Methodist News Service posted to its website a comprehensive and complimentary article about Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change.
The Paris Climate Agreement: Withdrawal, then Response
The president’s announcement that he would withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement was not unexpected. The Clean Power Plan (CPP) was the centerpiece of the U.S. commitment under the Agreement and the president scuttled that months ago, leaving us unlikely to meet our goal.
Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change seeks to fill the gap in religious and secular texts by providing both a compelling biblical case for action on climate change and by identifying substantive measures to mitigate climate change and how to achieve their implementation.
Churches can massively reduce their impact on God’s good earth if they understand the Bible’s mandate to care for creation and develop practical skills to decrease their energy use. This book hits the target directly on both counts.
Stephen Jurovics’ book is an important work of witness: faith and connection to God should lead us to save and heal our planet from a looming environmental catastrophe. Based primarily on the Five Books of Moses, sacred to both Christians and Jews, this book is written with passion, wisdom, and intelligence. The author’s sensitivity enables him to speak movingly to people of faith, offering a handbook on the Bible’s greatest mandate for mortal existence – to choose life for the earth (which is the Lord’s) and all its inhabitants.
As a pastor for 30 years, a psychologist, and a civil rights activist for 55 years I am convinced that Hospitable Planet has provided a powerful objective strategy for why we all must work together (i.e. science, faith, business, politicians, community folks) to ensure that climate change, global warming, and environmental justice are the civil rights issues for this century. Read this book. Share its message. Now – get involved!! We can and must make the difference!!
Take action – it starts with you.
“The book seeks to enroll a hitherto under-represented, though large and influential, portion of the U.S. population in addressing climate change: committed American Christians, of all denominations. If members of this faith community not yet involved in mitigating climate change began demanding a forceful response, I believe it would bring the country to the tipping point of full engagement. If America engages, most of the world community not yet committed will follow and a de-fusing of the climate change crisis will be underway.” – Excerpt from the Overview of Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action and Climate Change